Coming Up

Coming Up

CIEP 2023
to Sep 11

CIEP 2023

I’m thrilled to be attending the CIEP conference for the first time! I’ll be giving my talk on copyediting dialogue on Monday, September 11. Looking forward to meeting many of my UK edibuddies!

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to Aug 19


EFACON 2023 will take place August 17–19, Old Town, Alexandria, VA! EFA conferences allow you to network with colleagues and develop professionally—a rare opportunity for solo entrepreneurs. Our conferences have attracted more than 200 editorial freelancers from across North America and abroad. And you don’t have to be a member to attend! Register today! Check the EFA Conferences page on the website for updates.

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Editors Canada Conference, Toronto
to Jun 18

Editors Canada Conference, Toronto

Location: Toronto Metropolitan University, Downtown Toronto
Dates: June 17–18, 2023.
The welcome reception will take place on June 16. The banquet will take place on June 17.

This will be an in-person conference that follows local health and safety guidelines. Sessions will be recorded so people can pay to view them online after the conference. The conference team will also explore ways to include more virtual elements.
To accommodate a cautious return to in-person events that take place indoors, as well as any attendee hesitance about gathering sizes, Editors Canada Conference 2023 will be a smaller conference with strictly limited capacity.

We will provide coffee breaks on June 17 and 18, but will not be providing breakfast or lunch. Toronto Metropolitan University is within 10 minutes' walking distance of dozens of affordable restaurants (many catering to student budgets), food trucks, the Eaton Centre food court and the Saks Food Hall. The conference committee will also be looking into setting up restaurant groups for networking. Stay tuned!
Member discounts:
As always, early-bird pricing will be in effect. (With capacity limited you'll want to register early!) Editors Canada members and student affiliates will also benefit from discounted rates.

Find out more at

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Bay Area Editors' Forum: Interview

Bay Area Editors' Forum: Interview

SF/Bay Area Chapter of the Editorial Freelancers Association and Bay Area Editors’ Forum welcome Amy J. Schneider on Monday 8 May, 2023 from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. The address is Mechanic’s Institute, 57 Post Street, 4th Floor, San Francisco.

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Red Pencil 2023: Keynote Speech

Red Pencil 2023: Keynote Speech

The Guild is thrilled to have Amy J. Schneider, author of the new Chicago Guide to Copyediting Fiction, present the keynote address at Red Pencil 2023. Amy is a well-known and well-loved member of the editing community who has always generously shared her expertise and wit; her presentations, whether in-person or remote, are a highlight of any conference. She presented sessions at Red Pencil in 2017 and 2019, and we eagerly anticipate learning about her new book, how she came to write it, and the career path that led her to this achievement.

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ACES Evolve, Friday Session: Oops! Finding and Fixing Bloopers in Fiction

ACES Evolve, Friday Session: Oops! Finding and Fixing Bloopers in Fiction

Copyediting fiction is like being the continuity director for a film, watching for little mistakes that pull readers out of the story. In this session, we’ll discuss (1) language bloopers: pet phrases, sound bloopers, danglers, redundancy; (2) action bloopers: Chekhov’s gun, drop-in characters, bad scene breaks, remembered elements, “As you know, Bob…”; and (3) factual bloopers: physics, body position/parts, anachronisms, geography, deliberate obfuscation, and just generally How Things Work.

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ACES Evolve, Friday Session: Act Like a Business!

ACES Evolve, Friday Session: Act Like a Business!

Move beyond the “artisan” freelance mindset and start acting like a business owner. Learn from the experienced editors of The Quad mastermind about mindset shifts, managing time and money, setting boundaries and policies, marketing and finding work, and keeping clients satisfied. A business approach can lift your work to new levels of success, keeping your business sustainable.


  • Laura Poole (Speaker): Archer Editorial Services, Inc., Founder and Senior Editor

  • Lori Paximadis (Speaker): Pax Studio, Editor/Project Manager

  • Erin Brenner (Speaker): Right Touch Editing, Editing Team Builder

  • Amy J. Schneider (Speaker): Featherschneider Editorial Services, Copyeditor/Proofreader

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